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Blog /Battle With Vaginismus - Mosie Baby to the Rescue!

Battle With Vaginismus - Mosie Baby to the Rescue!

First and foremost, I would like to say may God bless you! Words cannot express how grateful I am to have found your product. I would like to let you know that after using the Mosie Baby Kit I was successful in becoming pregnant. To this day I'm still in disbelief!!! I would like to share my story so that others in similar circumstances can have hope. 

My husband and I have been married for eight years. I suffer from a sexual disorder called vaginismus. This condition makes intercourse impossible, therefore, the thought of having a baby was far beyond my reach. However, after many years of being married we desired to have a baby. But how? I was desperate and sick and tired of the horrible disorder. 

So a few months ago towards the end of 2017 I decided to search for alternatives, to see if there were any other ways that a woman with vaginismus could get pregnant. I got on Google and started searching. Results came back about home insemination and the website mosiebaby.com popped up. 

I clicked on the site and started reading about this syringe that helps to get women pregnant. I opened the "Success Stories" section and the first thing that caught my eye was the story of a woman who also had vaginismus and got pregnant. I could not believe my eyes!! Was this really true? Could this happen? Reading her story was like reading about myself. I scrolled some more and came upon another similar story of a woman with vaginismus who also got pregnant by using the syringe. Right then and there I was convinced. I told my husband about it and in early December of 2017 we placed our order.

I tracked my ovulation and we inseminated by the end of December 2017. To be honest, even at that moment I was still skeptical and thought it would probably take many tries before anything ever happened. I didn't believe that I could become pregnant. I mean, why would this happen to me? Me, of all people? I couldn't fathom such a thought.

By mid January 2018 I decided to take a pregnancy test after having missed my period. To the biggest shock of our lives, the test showed a big fat positive!!! We inseminated on the 2 days I ovulated and it worked! I couldn't believe it. At first I thought maybe I was not reading the test stick correctly, and perhaps the plus sign was actually a negative but my eyes were playing tricks on me. So the next morning I told my husband to go to the store and get the digital test that actually tells you results in words. I took that test as well and it said "Pregnant." Now it slowly started to sink in. It was a miracle indeed! Thank you God.

I apologize for the long story but I felt it necessary to show where I came from and where I am today. It is because of your product that I am currently expecting my very first child. Never in a million years would I have ever thought it possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving hope and opening the doors of possibility to women like me. May God bless you and your business.

With love from Chicago!

- N & Z from Chicago, IL

N & Z, Warmest congratulations on your BigFatPositive! We can’t imagine how you both must be feeling after eight years of feeling conception would not be an option. We’re honored to have played a small part. Thank you also, for thoughtfully sharing your remarkable story. We always welcome lengthy journeys as they offer more insight and we’re absolutely certain there are others feeling every bit as hopeless and that your words will indeed provide them the hope they need to “try”. Wishing you both a healthy term and new addition!   ❤️ - Maureen + Marc
